
We can provide Stoughton Wisconsin Area residents the food they need due to the great generosity of the Stoughton Community.  Local business, organizations and individuals have donated the food and funds that allow us to serve this community.    Currently we are distributing approximately 10,000 pounds of food each month to Stoughton residents in need.

Thank you to all of these businesses, organizations and Stoughton residents for your generosity!  We could not do it without you!

You can donate to the food pantry in several ways:

  1. Donate money – we can make your dollar go a lot further!
  2. Donate food or personal items
  3. Organize a food drive
  4. Participate in area food drives

Food donations can be made at the pantry during business hours at 520 S 4th Street, Stoughton, WI. Please call ahead to set up a time or ensure we are available.

Mailing address for monetary donations:

Stoughton City Hall, Attention: The City of Stoughton Food Pantry
207 S. Forrest Street, Stoughton WI 53589

Call the pantry at 608-873-8103 or the Pantry liaison at City Hall at 608-873-6677 for more information.